Armed Security Guard Services

Enhance safety and deter threats with professional armed security.

Fortify Your Business With Armed Guard Services

Armed security can be a crucial deterrent to threats in today’s increasingly unpredictable world. Fortified International provides highly trained armed guards to keep your business safe. Our armed security guards are adept at handling a wide range of high-pressure situations, including individuals who may be aggravated under the influence of drugs or alcohol, so issues are addressed swiftly and effectively.

Security guard walking into building

Protect Your Business With Professional Armed Bodyguards

Our professional armed bodyguards are ready to provide the highest level of protection. Contact us today to discuss your needs and get the security you deserve.

Why Work With Fortified International for Armed Private Security?

Fortified International is known in the security industry for our comprehensive approach to armed security. We combine rigorous training, state-of-the-art equipment, and a focus on de-escalation to provide unmatched security services.

  • Advanced De-Escalation Techniques

    At Fortified International, we prioritize de-escalation in every scenario. Our armed security guards are trained not just to react but to defuse potentially volatile situations. Through stress management and de-escalation techniques, our guards ensure the safety of all involved while minimizing the need for force.

  • Comprehensive State and Local Certifications

    Our armed security personnel undergo a thorough vetting process, including obtaining all necessary state and local certifications. Specifically in Portland, this includes acquiring a concealed handgun license. Our guards meet all regulatory requirements to provide the highest standard of armed security.

  • Rigorous In-House Training With Veteran Leadership

    Training at Fortified International doesn’t stop at state certifications. Our guards also undergo extensive in-house training under the guidance of our veteran leadership. This ensures that every member of our team exceeds the industry standards for armed security.

Go Beyond Armed Security Guard Services With Advanced Security Measures

Fortified International offers more than just armed bodyguard services. We provide advanced security measures tailored to your needs. From surveillance systems to access control and mobile patrols, we have the resources and expertise to offer a full spectrum of security solutions.

Let’s Discuss Your Security Needs

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