Leadership Team

Get to know the leadership that drives us.

Fortify Your Business With a Veteran-Owned and Operated Security Force

Founded and operated by veterans, our company prides itself on the discipline, strategic thinking, and commitment to excellence that military service instills. Our leaders use their extensive backgrounds to provide top-tier security solutions for our clients’ unique needs.

Travis Ralph

Travis Ralph
US Navy | Partner

Clay Hunter

Clay Hunter
Chief Operations Officer

Grant Moss

Grant Moss
Texas Maritime Academy | Partner

Let’s Get in Touch

Ready to enhance your security with the expertise and professionalism of a veteran-led team? Contact us today to discuss your needs and how we can protect your assets and personnel.

Invest in a Highly-Trained Security Team

Our security team stands out due to our rigorous in-house training, which prepares every team member for any situation. Conducted by our military veteran leadership, this training ensures we can handle scenarios with professionalism and confidence.

Beyond technical expertise, our security personnel are trained to bring a friendly and welcoming attitude to every assignment. We understand that a positive demeanor enhances the atmosphere and helps in de-escalating conflicts.

Let’s Discuss Your Security Needs

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