The #1 Seattle Security Company

Team up with Seattle’s most service-oriented security guards.

Comprehensive Security Across Seattle and Beyond

Fortified International offers a wide range of security services to meet the unique needs of Seattle and Washington’s diverse communities and businesses. Our team is equipped to handle the specific challenges that Seattle faces, including drugs and gang violence. With a focus on professionalism and customer service, we give our clients the highest level of protection and peace of mind.

  • Unarmed Security

    Our unarmed security personnel are trained to provide a calm and reassuring presence, focusing on de-escalation techniques to manage conflicts peacefully. They’re ideal for situations where a visible but non-threatening security presence is needed to prevent issues and maintain order.

  • Armed Security

    For situations that demand a higher level of security, our armed guards are highly trained to ensure the safety of personnel and property. Our armed security services are particularly effective in high-risk areas and scenarios where a strong security presence is necessary.

  • Additional Security

    Fortified International offers a variety of additional security services to meet the diverse needs of our Seattle clients. From security patrols in Seattle to access control measures to private investigations, we do it all. We ensure the safety of individuals who may be at risk.

Partner With the Most Highly Trained Security Guards in Seattle

Join forces with Fortified International and benefit from the expertise of our highly trained security professionals.

Count on Fortified’s Certified Expertise

Fortified International is a certified security provider with a proven track record of excellence. Our team holds certifications in defensive tactics like baton usage, pepper spray usage, handcuffing, and advanced de-escalation techniques like verbal judo. Additionally, our guards are trained in standard first-aid and CPR, so they’re prepared to handle medical emergencies.

Protecting a Wide Range of Businesses and Industries

We provide security solutions for government contracting, financial institutions, construction sites, retail centers, real estate, hospitality venues, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. Our comprehensive approach means each client receives the security services they need to protect their operations and people.

Get Security Services Fast

Fortified International is known for rapid response times and effective leadership. We understand that security needs can arise unexpectedly, so our team is always ready to quickly address any situation. Our responsive approach ensures that our clients receive timely and efficient security solutions.

Join Forces With a Veteran-Owned Seattle Security Company

As a veteran-owned company, Fortified International brings a unique level of expertise and commitment to community-oriented service. Our leadership’s military background instills a sense of discipline, respect, and dedication in our team, making us a trusted partner for all of your security needs.

Let’s Discuss Your Security Needs

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